ASCO Power Technologies Products Digital Binder
Source PacT Data Sheet
Isolating a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to provide backup power can be complex. Source PacT ™ is the industry's first UL 3008 Listed product. The product simplifies grid isolation and enables commercial facilities to use BESS for backup power. Rated for 600 Amps , Source PacT streamlines BESS deployment, improves sustainability, and simplifies design and installation to maximize the value of any BESS investment. Source PacT provides the required isolation and controls inverter operating modes to increase resilience using battery systems.
Source PacT Source Isolation Switch
Source PacT benefits Enhanced Resilience
Increased Sustainability
Simplified Deployment
Improved Safety
Get the most of your BESS by enabling it to provide backup power power during utility outages.
Use cleaner, lower cost energy before starting a backup generator by running "Battery First".
Provide grid isolation while easing power system design, installation, and operation using a single standardized device.
Source PacT is the first, factory-tested, single-box UL 3008 Listed solution, from the industry leader with more than a century of critical power experience.
How Source PacT Differs from a Transfer Switch Transfer Switch
Source PacT
Backup power has historically been managed by a transfer switch. However, transfer switches are designed to always remain connected to a power source. Instead, Source PacT provides the grid isolation needed for a BESS to supply backup or emergency power. Source PacT is the simple solution available for providing code-compliant source isolation.
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