ASCO Power Technologies Products Digital Binder

My ASCO Power Services Portal

My.ASCOPowerSer is the customer por tal that enables you manage your ser vice agreement more efficiently. This on-line tool provides real-time 24x7 access for managing ser vices for your power switching equipment. My.ASCOPowerSer organizes all your account information, provides easy access from anywhere, and simplifies how you communicate with us. The por tal centralizes ser vice information for all of your facilities in one place

Request records of all services completed by ASCO technicians.

Receive email notices documenting completed services and changes to account information.

Access the complete list for all equipment covered by an ASCO Power Services contract. Review the main tenance schedule for each piece of equipment.

Update your user account by adding new contact per sonnel or changing phone and email information.

Schedule equipment services without having to place a phone call or send an email.

Obtain and review copies of unpaid invoices for your account. Check past and future contract billing schedules.

24/7 access to critical data for site equipment. Reduces the need to make phone call and send emails. Particularly helpful to property managers that have multiple contracts for different buildings in their portfolio.

ASCO Power Technologies 160 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932 1-800-800-ASCO (2726) ©May 2019. Publication 2034

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